Travel + Loyalty

#016 - Monday Morning Update with a talk with Morten Balk from Emirates

Morten Balk - Emirates Season 1 Episode 16

Welcome to our Monday Morning Update on July 5th, 2021.

In today's Monday Morning Update we have a talk with Morten Balk, who is the Country Manager for Emirates in Denmark for both Denmark and the Baltics States.

Morten have been in the airline industry for a number of years and have been at Emirates since 2016.

During the talk with Morten, we will get insigths on how it have been working at Emirates the last 15 month during the COVID pandemic, how the restart is going, what about the new Emirates Premium Economy, when will the Airbus A380 returns to Copenhagen and much more.

In August 2021 Emirates will have its 10 years of anniversary, so a fast restart is what Emirates hope for to be able to celebrate flying between Copenhagen and Dubai for 10 years.

Since its launch in August 2011 the route have been growing and growing and in December 2015 the route was upgraded to be served by an Airbus A380. Not the normal one at that time, but the world’s first two-class configured A380, with a capacity of 615 passengers.

That was flying the route all the way up to the COVID pandemic started March 2020. Now the route is served by a Boeing 777, mainly due to the higher need for cargo as there is still to few passengers to get the Airbus A380 back - but we do hope to see it back again soon and Morten have some insights on when this will happen.

So enjoy this Monday Morning Update with Morten Balk from Emirates. 

Thank you for listening - we sincerely appreciate your time!

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